Gamer Dictionary

Whats this? The dictionary is a service where you can find out gamer-specific acronyms used in games.

We've added a ton ourselves, but registered users of the site can add to or change definitions here.

Multiple definitions can also appear here, as different games share acronyms - but have different meanings (like AOE can mean Age Of Empires or Area Of Effect

Adding terms

Registered users of Kablam can add terms via their definitions panel here. You can also add defintions directly from any definition pages/permalinks.

Please note

Please note this service is still in active development, but *should* (for the most part) be stable.

Latest terms added

5 Tilt (added by @kablam)
4 Tilted (added by @kablam)
3 TPLO (added by @kablam)
2 cap (added by @drew)
1 throw (added by @kablam)